Xbox je otkrio što igrače čeka u studenome na Game Passu, ovaj mjesec svakako će biti šarolik i donijeti ponešto za svakoga. Idući naslovi bit će dostupni za uzeti:
- Metal Slug Tactics – 5. studenoga (Cloud, Console, PC)
- Go Mecha Ball – 6. studenoga (Console)
- Harold Halibut – 6. studenoga (Xbox Series X/S)
- The Rewinder – 6. studenoga (Console)
- Turnip Boy Robs a Bank – 6. studenoga (Console)
- Goat Simulator Remastered – 7. studenoga (Cloud, PC, Xbox Series X/S)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator – 19. studenoga (Cloud, PC, Xbox Series X/S)
Kao podsjetnik Botany Manor već sada je dostupan putem Game Pass Standarda, a sutra će doći i Blizzardova franšiza StarCraft. Od ažuriranja i DLC može se naći: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (Nuketown mapa i Vault Edition), No Man’s Sky: The Cursed Expedition te Sea of Stars: Dawn of Equinox. Game Pass Ultimate vlasnici mogu se počastiti s 1600 UFC Pointsa u EA Sports UFC-u 4.
Kao i svakoga mjeseca određene igre će napustiti katalog, a to će ovaj mjesec biti:
- Dicey Dungeons (Cloud, Console, and PC)
- Dungeons 4 (Cloud, Console, and PC)
- Goat Simulator (PC)
- Like a Dragon: Ishin! (Cloud, Console, and PC)
- Like a Dragon: The Man Who Erased His Name (Cloud, Console, and PC)
- Persona 5 Tactica (Cloud, Console, and PC)
- Somerville (Cloud, Console, and PC)
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